Ethikkodex für Reallabore

Code of ethics for real-world laboratories

  • Contact:

    Dr. Oliver Parodi

  • Project Group:

    Karlsruher Transformationszentrum für Nachhaltigkeit und Kulturwandel,

    Philosophie der Technik, Technikfolgenabschätzung und Wissenschaft

  • Partner:

    Elisabeth Does (ITZ), Marc Dusseldorp

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


Codes of ethics and ethical guidelines are intended to guide scientific practice in research and teaching - at a general level (such as the DFG Code of Good Scientific Practice), at the level of individual disciplines (for example the ethical principles of the engineering profession of the VDI) or in relation to specific types of research (such as the "Nuremberg Code" on experiments on humans). New types of research and development require new guidelines and codes. This also includes real laboratories.