Transformative educational programme for effective climate protection throughout Germany

Trainings for the workshop #climatechallenge
 Markus Szaguhn und Annika Fricke
You want to learn more about the #climatechallenge?

Annika Fricke and Markus Szaguhn will be happy to advise you.


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Das Logo der Climate Challenge zeigt eine grüne Hand.We systematically bring together effective climate protection in everyday life and structural transformation approaches. By offering training courses for municipalities, neighborhoods and volunteers throughout Germany and training trainers. To do this, we rely on the tried-and-tested #climatechallenge workshop format.

Die Illustration zeigt Menschen im Stadtbild, Fahrradfahrer, spielende Kinder und ein Wohnquartier.

#climatechallenge - Will you take up the challenge?

Do you want to inspire people to commit to sustainable change in their environment? Or do you yourself want to take a holistic view of climate protection in your environment or organization and make it the standard for everyone?

The innovative educational format of the #climatechallenge aims to motivate people to reduce their personal carbon footprint. In addition, people are encouraged to work towards structural changes for more and holistic climate protection in their environment (increasing the handprint). This is because it is more effective in the long term to change structures and establish sustainable alternatives in order to enable many people to adopt climate-friendly behavior. For example, a commitment to regional food in the canteen or a bicycle-friendly infrastructure has a much greater and lasting effect than an individual switch to a more climate-friendly diet or mode of transportation. To this end, we train multipliers throughout Germany who accompany interested groups on their #climatechallenges.

New training dates

In our training course, you will learn briefly and concisely how to conduct the #climatechallenge workshop format with participants and then become active as a workshop leader yourself.

The next dates:

  • Thursday, 21.11.2024, 13:00-16:30 (Online)
  • Thursday, 12.12.2024, 16:00-19:30 (Online)

Places are limited. Training language is German.

If you would like to receive a small starter pack with materials for carrying out the #climatechallenge before the training, please provide your address when registering.

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#climatechallenge - The Workshop format

How does a #climatechallenge work? The #climatechallenge is carried out by multipliers as a three-part workshop concept.

  1. Footprint challenge: Participants carry out a 30-day footprint challenge as a self-experiment. The aim is to introduce a more climate-friendly lifestyle through individual behavioural changes.
  2. Reflection phase: In a subsequent reflection phase, the participants recognise structural challenges that prevent or hinder climate-friendly action.
  3. Handprint challenge: The participants then form teams to strategically tackle and remove the obstacles to sustainable behaviour and comprehensive climate protection with a handprint challenge.

Join in and become a multiplier

We will train you to become a multiplier so that you can offer the #climatechallenge in your own environment. We offer our half-day compact training courses online and on site in Karlsruhe, Bonn, Berlin and other selected cities. During the training, we provide you with the elaborated workshop concept of the #climatechallenge including all necessary material. In addition, you will receive supervision in which you can exchange experiences with other multipliers. The training is free of charge for you.

You can attend a training course at KAT if you ...

  • work in a municipal facility, this includes facilities in cities, municipalities and neighborhoods
  • are otherwise involved in voluntary work, for example in churches or associations

If you would like to use the workshop format ...

grafic: how to join the climatechallnge?
Graphic in German: How can I join the #climatechallenge and get trained?


The backgrounds to #climatechallenge

The project is based on a workshop format that was launched at the University of Konstanz in 2014 and won first prize in the 2021 Teaching Award for Higher Education for Sustainable Development (further information). It supports people in working towards long-term and more effective climate protection for themselves and others. The joint project #climatechallenge presented here (see also the joint project website) is developing the format further and spreading it throughout Germany at schools, universities, extracurricular learning venues, municipalities and neighborhoods. Germanwatch, netzwerk n and the Karlsruhe Transformation Center are jointly implementing the project. As primarily academic and white organizations, we are aware of our responsibility and try to make the project inclusive and sensitive to discrimination as far as possible.

Joint project website

Further information to the #climatechallenge and the project partners Germanwatch e.V. and netzwerk n e.V. can be found on our joint project website at

A joint project as part of the national climate protection initiative

The #climatechallenge project consists of three partners: Germanwatch e.V., netzwerk n e.V. and the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change. The partners work closely together to strengthen climate protection throughout Germany. Together, we systematically bring together effective climate protection in everyday life and structural transformation approaches.

Germanwatch e.V. is responsible for coordinating the network. Together, we form a dynamic team that collaboratively shapes the project with a high level of motivation and creative energy. Our collaboration is characterized by a high degree of (process) openness and curiosity. We look forward to developing the #climatechallenge together as a project team with our different areas of expertise and passing it on to many different stakeholders.

The individual partners are responsible for different target groups:

  • Schools and extracurricular learning venues: Germanwatch
  • Universities: netzwerk n
  • Municipalities, neighborhoods, associations and church communities: Karlsruhe Transformation Center (KAT)

KAT is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the project.

Your contact persons at the KAT

Ansprechpersonen am KAT zur climatechallenge
From left to right: Annika Fricke, Eva Wendeberg, Markus Szaguhn

We are a dynamic team of both young and experienced scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Our experience is based on our many years of transdisciplinary and transformative research and work in the real-world lab: from the completed project "Klimaschutz gemeinsam wagen", the also completed campaign on nature-oriented gardening and many years of work in municipal climate protection and energy consulting. We are actively supported by our assistant scientists, interns and our colleagues at KAT.

Would you like to take part in one of our training courses or find out more about the #climatechallenge project? We look forward to receiving your request by e-mail.

The project is funded by the National Climate Initiative from 2023 to 2025.

  • Project title: #climatechallenge - learning to shape climate protection with your own hands and feet
  • Project duration: 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025
  • Funding reference: 67KF0176A

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